Monday, November 9, 2009

True Love: Introduction

What is love? This is a question that I think everyone has asked at one time or another. What do our parents mean when they say “I love you”? Or when our friends say it?

In our culture, the word love is used a lot and its definition isn’t very clear: I love my family, I love those clothes, I love pizza, and I love God, etc. As you can see, the word love can easily be over used.

When I’m talking about love, I’m not referring to that warm feeling you get when you see some hot guy or girl. I’m not talking about the chick-flick “He’s so cute!” kind of love.

I’m talking about real love, the love that takes work and effort, the kind where you don’t feel like it, but you do it anyway.

This is the love we see in God and His son. The love that nailed Jesus to the cross and would make you lay down your life save someone else. I’m talking about self sacrificing, self denying, serving others, God filled love.

Intense, right? Whenever I refer to the word ‘love’, I will be referring to this kind of love; True Love.

Warning! True love takes time, work, money and resources. Living out true love is exhausting. If you aren’t willing to sacrifice and don’t want to change, then don’t continue. However, if you are willing to sacrifice and want learn more about the love that changed the world and will change your life, you’ve come to the right place.


  1. This post remindeded me of something one of my team leaders told us over and over again on our mission trip to Panama: "I don't care if you like each other, but you must love each other. Love is a verb, not a feeling". That saying has stuck with me for years - I don't have to feel love for anyone, even my husband, but I am commanded be God to love them - to be patient, kind, long-suffering, patient, and more. It's hard work, but worth it in the end!

  2. Very True! I like "Love is a verb, not a feeling." Thanks for reading my posts.
