Monday, March 22, 2010

The Early church in a Roman world: Fire

The wind beats against the walls. Rain pours down the roof. During the storm, your fire goes out.

Unlike the 21st centaury, you don’t have matches or a lighter. You live in the 1st centaury in a Roman town. How are you going to re-light your fire?

In a Roman city their religion is the center of their culture. The Romans lived in constant fear of offending the gods and bringing down their wrath. Sacrifices and offerings were given daily to appease the gods.

In the mountain above the town, in a cave, there constantly burned a fire. The Romans believed that that fire was from the gods. If you needed fire, you would hike up to the cave with a torch, light it, and then go back to your home. The presents of the gods were with that fire. How wonderful it was to have the presents of the gods in your home!

But you’re a Christian. Are you going to climb up to that cave and accept the gods’ fire? Will you bring that fire into your home?

This is one of the daily challenges the early church faced as they tried to share the gospel of Christ.

Source: That the world may know: in the dust of the Rabbi

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