Saturday, April 24, 2010

Missed the Point

In the first century, rebellion often rose around Passover. The Romans would bring in extra troops to keep everything under control.

Why Passover? It was when the messiah was to come, and the Jews were reminded that they should be free. Imagine the US being conquered by China or Russia or a country where we lost our freedom. Every 4th of July, we would remember that we were suppose to be free. That’s what Passover reminded the Jews.

Jesus comes into the Jerusalem on a donkey, as the messiah. The people are overjoyed! Finally freedom from the Romans! They start waving palm branches. The last time the Jews were free, palm branches were on their coins, so palm branches were a sign of freedom.

"Hosanna! Hosanna!” they shout, which means “Free us! Free us!”
“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”

Then Jesus did something remarkable; he wept over the city. “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes.”

Jesus was broken hearted because the crowd missed the point. He wasn’t coming to save them from the Romans, but to save them from their sins and damnation.

But they missed the point. They missed the savior and the messiah.

From That the World May Know: Easter from Force on the Family

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