Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why Does Jesus Weep?

There are two times Jesus weeps: when He entered Jerusalem, and when Lazarus died. Why He cried, however, was very different.

When He came into Jerusalem, He wept because the Jews missed the point. They thought He would deliver them from physical bondage, not spiritual bondage.

When Lazarus died, Jesus wept because those around Him, His children, were weeping. He was sorrowful because they were sorrowful. He was hurt with them. He was brokenhearted with them. He wept with them.

Why does Jesus weep for you? Is it because you are in grief from loss, or because you have missed the point He is trying to make? Are you expecting Him to deliver them from physical bondage, while He is trying to free you from spiritual bondage? Is He broken hearted with you, or because of you?

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