Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Prayer: an act of humility

There's something we need to be able to pray effectively: humility.

Think about it. When we are praying, we have to admit that Someone is greater than we are. We have to admit that we can not control everything, and we have to go to Someone for help.

This is one reason why praying on a daily biases is so important; to helps us remain humble.


  1. Great reminder. So many times prayer can be a laundry list of wants but it really is all about going to the One who has all the answers and trusting HIm with whatever answer He gives.

  2. Psalm 10:17 , Eph 4:1-2 , 1 Peter 5:5 , Prov 15:33 - These are verses that give the greatest reason for us to pray for humility. Humility is often ignored even in the so-called church. Good post ma'am.

  3. so true, we need Jesus desperately in our everyday life.
