Friday, July 24, 2009

God in a Box

God doesn’t want to be first in your life. That would imply there is competition. He wants to be your all.

A lot of times, we organize out lives into boxes; our work box, our home box, our friends box, our God box, etc. When we have our life in their own boxes, we look at them and start prioritizing them. God is the most important, so we put in at the top. He’s first in our lives.

There are several problems when organizing our lives like this. The God Box can be move into any place we want. God can slip down into 2nd or 3rd very easily. We decide what is important in our lives. If today we want God to be first, He is. If school seems more important, we move it to the top.

Another problem is we are still in control of our lives. We get to choose; we are in charge. We are in the driver’s seat. We don’t give God our lives. We give Him a box.

God doesn’t want to be in a box. How can He change you or the world if we put Him in a box? He doesn’t want to watch from the side lines as you run your life. He wants to be your life.

1 comment:

  1. Great essay! Good reminder of how we must not prioritize God but give him our all!
